Tagged with Facebook

The Reverse Facebook Block

The Reverse Facebook Block

If the Smooth Reentry blog were to end today, its legacy will be introducing the world to the Reverse Facebook Block (RFBB). The Reverse Facebook Block is an outstanding concept all social media users should become familiar with. I know that is a bold statement to make, but the RFBB is nothing short of magnificent. … Continue reading

Facebook: The Anti-Social Network.

This is a rant… OkCupid has a new site called Tallygram. Tallygram is a fairly cool app. It plugs in to Facebook and let’s you answer questions similar to OKC. I  enjoy comparing my answers to other FB users, and examining the corresponding friend/enemy percentages. [Incidentally, since I eat meat and like dogs over cats, … Continue reading

WANTED: Flirting Critic

In the past few days I have lost three women I was flirting with. They all went dark. They are: The 23 year old I mentioned yesterday. Another divorcee that is possibly the full package. It is bizarre. We agreed to go on a trip to get away and she was all excited. HER IDEA. … Continue reading

They Had to Take it Too Far: someEEcards

Somebody always takes it too far. Somebody has to keep going after it isn’t funny anymore. Or, even worse, somebody gets all sappy and turns a good thing bad. It’s like that song you bought on iTunes–the one you loved. But you had to wear it out. You played it over and over and over … Continue reading

Crossing The Line, Cyberstalking Pt II

In Part 1 I made the case that being prudent is not the same as bonafide stalking. In Part II I will discuss when the line is crossed into the realm of true creeper stalking. Tomorrow we will conclude the series with real-life examples. We all use the term “stalking” loosely in day-to-day conversation.

Easy for Her to Say!

I know that women enjoy sharing sappy, sentimental, inspirational things with each other on Facebook. The sentiment here is hard to critisize–all women are beautiful inside and never lower your standards. Who can argue with that? I can. If you are an observer of life, you will find the humor in this. Let me share … Continue reading